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Compassionate Withdraw or Drop Policy (AE 19)

OWNER: Academic Advising Center
Phone: 702-992-2162
CATEGORY: Admissions and Enrollment
Web – Formatted (this page)


This policy provides clear guidelines for administrative action related to withdrawing or dropping a student from their courses under Extenuating or Exigent Circumstances.


Extenuating Circumstances: An event or incident in which a reasonable person would consider unusual, exceptional, or uncommon and objectively outside of the control of the student.

Exigent Circumstances: An event or incident in which a reasonable person would consider such circumstances as requiring immediate action or aid.

Primary Reviewer: The institutional official (the Director of Academic Advising or designee) responsible for determining if the events or circumstances meet the eligibility criteria outlined in this policy, and approves or denies the petition.

Undue Burden: A proposed course of action would result in significant difficulty, hardship, or financial or administrative burden.

Working Day: For the purposes of this policy, Monday through Friday when campus is open.


I. Introduction

While enrolled in higher education, students are not immune to unfortunate or adverse life events.  Nevada State College recognizes that students may experience unexpected or unforeseen circumstances outside of their control that significantly impact their ability to be successful while attending Nevada State.

In the best interest of compassion, student success, and persistence, a student may be administratively dropped or withdrawn from courses if such Extenuating or Exigent Circumstances exist and the student is unable to request, through the existing process, a Medical or Late Withdrawal Petition due to injury, incarceration, or other unforeseen limitations not outlined in this policy.

II. Eligibility for an Administrative Drop or Withdrawal

An administrative compassionate drop or withdrawal is granted when the College determines that a student’s health, safety, and academic success have been compromised due to Extenuating or Exigent Circumstances, and the student is incapacitated or otherwise unable to follow existing processes in place to withdraw.

III. Documentation

Thorough and credible documentation is ideal in determining the totality and impact of the Extenuating or Exigent Circumstances. However, a preponderance of evidence shall be the evidentiary standard used for determining if the event or circumstances occurred and the student’s academic ability has been compromised: that it is more likely than not that the event occurred, and more likely than not the circumstances compromised the student’s ability to be successful in the affected semester.

While documentation and validation are key in determining eligibility, the Primary Reviewer shall conduct themselves with the utmost compassion when communicating with the student, their family members, or any other person assisting in the process.

In some cases traditional forms of documentation may not be readily available, and requesting such documents may lack tact or benevolence. If the Primary Reviewer is able to verify events based on news reports, media releases, widespread social media acknowledgement, or verbal conversations with witnesses or individuals with first-hand knowledge of the events, and the Primary Reviewer believes such information meets the preponderance of evidence standard, no additional documentation, other than a detailed written statement from the Primary Reviewer, shall be requested or required to process the withdrawal.  Additionally, the Primary Reviewer’s statement shall be detailed, thorough, and clear.

IV. Requested Parties and Authorization

If the student is incapacitated or otherwise unable to follow existing processes in place to withdraw, and no power of attorney or similar document exists giving another person authority to request such an action, a spouse, dependent, or parent may request NSC withdraw the student for compassionate reasons.

V. Finance and Funds

All efforts shall be made to minimize the financial impact of the student as it relates to any outstanding tuition and fees, or financial aid funding that was required to be returned as a result of the withdrawal.

VI. Requesting a Compassionate Withdrawal or Drop

A. The Director of Academic Advising (or designee), acting as the Primary Reviewer, receives information that may lead them to believe a student is eligible for an administrative Compassionate Withdrawal.

B. The Director of Academic Advising (or designee) will begin a fact-finding mission and confer with appropriate institutional officials, family members, or others with knowledge of the situation as necessary in order to ascertain the totality of the circumstances.

C. The Director of Academic Advising (or designee) will determine if the student is incapacitated or otherwise unable to request a withdrawal through existing methods.

D. If the student is incapacitated or unable to communicate, the Director of Academic Advising (or designee) will contact the next of kin to provide potential options for a Compassionate Withdrawal or Drop.

E. If it is determined that a withdrawal or drop is desired and requested by the appropriate person, the Director of Academic Advising (or designee) will attempt to obtain as much supporting documentation as necessary to meet the preponderance of evidence standard.

F. Once enough information or supporting documentation is obtained to meet the preponderance of evidence standard, the Director of Academic Advising (or designee) will complete the Request for Medical Withdrawal Form or the Petition for Exception to Policy, if it is requested the student be dropped with no grades.

G. The Director of Advising (or designee) will send approved petitions with documentation to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

VII. Right to Amend

While uncommon and unlikely, the student has the right to request that Nevada State College reverse the drop or withdrawal and reinstate the original grades earned in their course(s) if an administrative Compassionate Withdrawal or Drop was requested by next of kin or an approved person other than the student.


  • Request for Medical Withdrawal Form
  • Petition for Exception to Policy Form


Office of the Provost
[email protected]



Approved by Dr. Vickie Shields, Provost, August 18, 2022.
Approved by Dr. DeRionne Pollard, President, September 28, 2022.