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Office of the Provost

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as Nevada State’s chief academic officer, ensuring that all aspects of academic affairs work together to support our diverse student body.

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The roles of our office include:

  • Guiding and supporting all academic policies;
  • Working with Faculty Senate to advance shared goals and solve problems in a collaborative way;
  • Making all academic tenure and promotion decisions;
  • Academic strategic planning and enrollment management;
  • Promoting excellence in teaching;
  • Providing academic support to students;
  • Guiding assessment and accreditation efforts;
  • Promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging on campus;
  • Supporting data-guided decision making.
Photo of Nevada State University<br />

Organizational Structure

LASB Organizational Chart

SoE Organizational Chart

SoN Organizational Chart

Initiatives & Special Projects


Strategic Planning

Professional Licensure

Promotion and Tenure
Common Read
Provost’s Newsletter

Core Curriculum

Institutional Assessment

Online Learning

Team Provost

Sarah Frey, PhD

Sarah Frey, PhD

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Tony Scinta, PhD

Tony Scinta, PhD

Executive Vice Provost

Sita Sales

Sita Sales

Director of Operations for Academic Affairs

Gwen Sharp, PhD

Gwen Sharp, PhD

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Research.

Gregory Robinson, PhD

Gregory Robinson, PhD

Vice Provost for Student Academic Success

Angela Brommel

Angela Brommel

Senior Advisor & Executive Director for the Arts

Adelfa Sullivan

Adelfa Sullivan


Laura Decker, PhD

Laura Decker, PhD

Provost Leadership Fellow

Leo Pena

Leo Pena

Administrative Assistant