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Professional Licensure

Several programs at Nevada State lead to professional licensure. Boards in each state determine the requirements for licensure and often vary based on the unique needs of the state.

Professional Licensure Disclosures

Several programs at Nevada State lead to professional licensure. Boards in each state determine the requirements for licensure and often vary based on the unique needs of the state. Therefore, Nevada State University’s curriculum for your program may or may not meet state requirements for the state where you want to obtain licensure. Nevada State University maintains a list of all programs that lead to licensure and a state-by-state determination about whether our program meets or does not meet the requirements for each state. We encourage all students who are seeking licensure outside of Nevada to contact the appropriate state boards to confirm their requirements. 

Note that state boards have requirements beyond the curriculum, which vary for each state. These requirements may include residency, state-specific courses, or evidence of practice in the discipline for a certain number of hours.

Student Location

In compliance with Federal Regulation 34 CFR 600.9 – State Authorization, Nevada State University maintains a policy that allows us to make a determination regarding the state in which a student is located. To ensure that students are informed about licensure requirements in the location of their Home Address, Nevada State University will notify students enrolled in programs leading to licensure if their program does not meet the licensure requirements in the state of their Home Address or if it has not been determined if their program meets licensure requirements in the state of their Home Address, as per Federal Regulations 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v). 

If you change your location, you must notify Nevada State University through MyNevadaState. Upon receipt of your address change, Nevada State University will notify you about licensure requirements in your new location if you are in a program that leads to licensure.


If you have a concern about the education you are receiving at Nevada State University, there is a complaint procedure to assist you. Before you complete a formal complaint, we encourage you to seek a resolution by working informally with the faculty/staff of the University. If the complaint cannot be resolved in that manner, please refer to the Student Complaint Policy. If your complaint meets the criteria defined in that policy, you may complete the Student Complaint Form to begin a formal resolution process.

State-by-State Disclosures

The requirements for obtaining professional licensure are determined by state licensing boards. The programs below prepare students for a professional license but may have state-specific requirements.