Education/Instruction Minor
Not every educator or instructor is found in a K-12 classroom. If you are passionate about becoming an instructor or trainer of any kind, obtaining an education/instruction minor is a terrific option.
Build a Foundation in Teaching
This minor is ideal for up-and-coming trainers, coaches, and anyone who wants to share their love of specialized knowledge outside the structured classroom setting. If teaching others a skill is your calling, pursue an education/instruction minor.
Current students can add this minor here.
Career & Salary
Use our Career & Salary data to find average salary and job information, along with the Top Skills you will gain by earning an Education/Instruction Minor from Nevada State University.
Top Skills
- Communications
- Teaching
- Leadership
- Management
- Writing
Class Search
Nevada State University has numerous degrees and programs, specialty program offerings, and online learning options to help you reach your academic goals. Find available courses using our Schedule of Classes tool.
Degree Sheets
We’ve put together a comprehensive list of courses, and credit hours, in our downloadable Degree Sheets.
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Single Degree
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