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Writing Studies Minor

Bring Your Writing To The Next Level

A minor in Writing Studies will give you the expertise to communicate in a wide range of careers, including research, journalism, health care, business, nonprofit work, education, and the sciences. This minor is a perfect fit for students who want to translate ambitious ideas onto the page, or explore how written language impacts others.

The Writing Studies minor provides engaging and practical courses that will give you space to explore how writers communicate effectively with their audiences. For students interested in research, a Writing Studies minor can also prepare you to study written language, collect data about how others write, and come to new knowledge. You will have supportive and dedicated professors eager to support your learning process with classes that are designed to center discussion, exploration, collaboration, and discovery.

Degree Outcomes

  • Explain the importance of rhetorical context for effective communication
  • Explain their own writing processes and contextualize those processes within the broader scholarly conversation
  • Create effective documents using both written and multimodal composition
  • Provide meaningful feedback for others’ written work
  • Identify rhetorical strategies for specific contexts, audiences, and genres
  • Communicate with clarity and purpose across disciplines and other discourse communities
  • Identify possible careers that could draw on their written and rhetorical skills

Degree Requirements

Career & Salary

Use our Career & Salary data to find average salary and job information, along with the Top Skills you will gain by earning an Education/Instruction Minor from Nevada State University.

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