Nevada State’s Essential Learning Outcomes
In September 2021, we began to add Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) to all Core Curriculum classes in support of recommendations made by the Core Curriculum Revision Committee. Each course in our Core Curriculum will support at least two of the outcomes listed below.
Each of the Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs) is guided by a detailed rubric, created by NS faculty.
Civic Knowledge and Engagement
Amy Lowe, Kathrine Durante, Peter LaChapelle, Sarah VanderMeer
Learning about your community and the democratic processes that will help you engage in the local, state, and/or national scale.
Co-Creative Problem Solving
Bo Liang, Chris Harris, Josie Cruz, Kayla Bieser
The ability to actively work with others to develop creative solutions and move us toward a better world.
Creative Expression and Aesthetics
Adam Davis, Heather Lang Casera, Jo Meuris, Roxanne Farrar
The development of skills for creating works in a particular medium, and strategies for improving technique and producing original and expressive art (Creative Works), or the study of art through the history and context of various movements, styles, or periods; examination of the form and qualities of a particular type of art; and/or strategies for analyzing and critiquing art (Aesthetics).
Critical Literacy
Becky Cash, Young Choi, Chris Harris, Griselda Wille
Critical Literacy is the ability to identify, interpret, reimagine, and remake how socially constructed concepts like power and bias operate through historical and contemporary texts, images, and practices.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Molly Appel, Amber Morczek, Jessica Price, Vanessa Mari
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is defined as an understanding of power and privilege within cultural and social identities, systems, and institutions, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality, ability, religion, education, and national origin.
Ethical Reasoning
David Bradnick, Michael Gordon, Sherri Coffman
Ethical Reasoning is thinking critically about the nuances of right and wrong human conduct.
Information Literacy
Alena Principato, Clark Pearson, Kelly Svoboda, Lauren Johnson, Nathan Silva
Information literacy is the ability to identify, locate, skeptically evaluate, and effectively and ethically use information to inform a decision or solve a problem.
Inquiry and Analysis
Aaron Wong, David Bradnick, Bo Liang, Nathan Silva
Inquiry and analysis is a systematic process of refining our understanding of issues, objects, and works through a cycle of questions and evaluation.
Lifelong Learning
Joe Dertien, Laura Rosales, Sarah VanderMeer
Lifelong Learning is understanding the process of learning (learning how to learn) and recognizing your own level of knowledge and motivation to learn.
Oral Communication
Michael Gordon, Michelle Region Sebest, Nicholas Carroll, Seseer Mou Danha
Oral Communication is the ability to communicate purposely in a variety of social contexts and situations.
Quantitative Reasoning
Aaron Wong, El Hachemi Bouali, Jennifer Edmonds, Katie Durante
Quantitative reasoning is more than arithmetic and algebraic computations. It is the ability to create meaning from numeric data by making appropriate logical inferences, and also communicating those ideas to others.
Written Communication
Kelly Svoboda, Laura Decker, Rachel Herzl-Betz, Sherri Coffman
Written Communication is the ability to develop and express ideas through writing, including communicating to a diverse set of audiences through a variety of genres and mediums using text, graphics, and data.