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Core Curriculum Revisions

Adding Essential Learning Outcomes to Existing Core Classes

Completion Date: September 2024

In Fall 2019, Nevada State began its formal efforts to revise our Core Curriculum. This curriculum is the foundation of learning at Nevada State – it represents the skills, knowledge, and abilities that all students will gain, no matter what major they choose. As such, the effort has involved multiple stakeholders and lengthy debates as we determine how to best serve our student body. The twelve ELOs are divided into three categories: Critical Thinking, Communication, and Community Engagement.


  1. Brief descriptions of the revised ELOs and evaluation rubrics
  2. List of all Core classes with ELOs
  3. Example of a completed ELO form

For a form template, please write to gregory.robinson (at)

Syllabus Language for Faculty

Core Curriculum
This class is part of Nevada State’s Core Curriculum. Like the other classes in the Core Curriculum, this class will help you gain the fundamental skills needed to thrive in college, the disciplinary perspectives needed to solve complex problems, the courage to be creative, and an increased understanding of other cultures. Each Core Curriculum course has two Essential Learning Outcomes (ELOs). The ELOs for this class are:

ELO 1:
Where you’ll demonstrate this ELO: (Assignment title/brief description here)

ELO 2:
Where you’ll demonstrate this ELO: (Assignment title/brief description here)