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Statements on Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, Tolerance and Civility Commitment, and Diversity and Inclusion (AD 2)

OWNER: Division of College and Community Engagement
CONTACT: Dr. Edith Fernández
Phone: 702-992-2358
CATEGORY: Administration
EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/01/2018


Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Statement

Nevada State College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and is committed to excellence through diversity. Nevada State College will not tolerate discrimination based on race,color, religion, age, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, disability, or Vietnam-era and/or disabled veteran status, in any of its programs,organizations, and/or conditions of employment and admission.

Statement of Tolerance and Civility Commitment

Each member of the Nevada State College community is responsible for fostering an atmosphere imbued with dignity, respect, tolerance, appreciation of diversity and positive regard for all members of our collegiate community. A fundamental tenet of the college’s mission is to nurture a community atmosphere free from racism, religious intolerance, sexism, ageism, homophobia, harassment, discrimination against those with disabling conditions, or discrimination based upon an individual’s political views or beliefs. Within this context, all members of the college community are accountable for their own behavior and actions. The college will not tolerate behavior that violates or infringes upon the civil and statutory rights of any individual or group. As members of our Nevada State College community, each of us can feel free to express ourselves in ways that promote openness within a diverse society.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

At Nevada State College, we celebrate the storied backgrounds of our community. We operate with a shared commitment to represent and serve the diverse population of Nevada and to encourage the exchange of ideas that respects and honors the lived experiences of our students, staff, and faculty. We foster a culture of inclusive excellence so our members can live authentically, fully engage, and flourish. In order to strengthen the college and progress its mission, we dedicate ourselves to intentional and ongoing reflection to meet the evolving needs of our campus, the surrounding communities, and the state of Nevada.