By Mandi Enger
The School of Education, Speech Pathology Program is eager to announce the induction of Nevada State College’s founding chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). The group held their second organizational meeting on February 14, 2012, to discuss membership as well as to elect participants to the NSC NSSLHA board. Approximately 70 students have signed up to join and have selected a five-member board to carry the chapter through 2013.
The establishing NSC NSSLHA board members include:
President: Kristy Osborne
Vice-President: Kelly Walls
Secretary: Hillary Nakamoto
Treasurer: Margarita Ortiz
Historian: Tenaya Watson
“I love being in a learning environment and having the opportunity to be involved in campus organizations like NSSLHA. I know once other students find out about it, they will love it too, shared Kristy Osborne after accepting the position of chapter president. My goal is to help the organization grow and make ourselves known here in Nevada. I look forward to meeting and working closely with the members, creating a strong chapter and having a great year.”
This pre-professional membership association provides opportunities for students to enhance their studies of communication sciences and disorders outside of the classroom. Members join on both a local and national level and have access to a range of experiences and benefits including:
Creating a campus community to discuss and promote topics in speech pathology
Connecting with professionals in the industry (schools, hospitals, private-care facilities, etc.) during events
Attending national conferences through chapter fundraising efforts
Participating in chapter community service projects
Getting to know other students in the NSC Speech Pathology Program
Access to trade publications and association newsletters
Discounted American Speech Language Hearing Association (professional membership association) fees upon graduation
As the founding members of the NSC chapter, the 2012 students will have the opportunity to determine the chapter’s collective interests and set goals for the group moving forward. Additionally, participants are currently in the planning stage for their first official event and meeting, tentatively scheduled for late March.
Helping to pioneer the NSC NSSLHA chapter is faculty advisor, Amy Bourji-Nassar.
I am very excited to help our students establish this organization. I think it will be a wonderful way for our future speech and language pathologists to stay current on advancements in their field and to raise awareness of our profession. NSSLHA members will work together to further familiarize one another, and the community of their mission as SLPs.
Applications for membership are open on an on-going basis. For more information or to become a member of the Nevada State National Student Speech Language Hearing Association please contact Amy via email at [email protected] or [email protected].
NSC’s Founding Chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association