NSHE Waiver Forms
Office of the Registrar
Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 17, Section 14 of the Handbook, the Nevada Board of Regents provides a waiver of certain registration, laboratory, and other mandatory fees for eligible students.
NSHE Foster Youth Fee Waiver
The Nevada Board of Regents provides a waiver of certain fees for former Nevada foster youth who meet eligibility requirements.
To learn more about the fee waiver and how to apply, please visit the Student Affairs Forms > NSHE Fostering Success Initiative section on the NSHE Forms website (click here). The completed form and required supporting documentation must be submitted to the institutional contact listed on the form. Additional questions may also be sent to the institutional contact.
NSHE Native American Fee Waiver
The Nevada Board of Regents provides a waiver of certain fees related to registration to a Native American student who is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe or nation, all or part of which is located within the boundaries of Nevada, or who is certified by the enrollment department of such tribe or nation or by the Bureau of Indian Affairs as being a descendant of an enrolled member of such tribe or nation, all or part of which is located within the boundaries of Nevada, regardless of member status.
To learn more about the fee waiver and how to apply, please visit the Student Affairs Forms > NSHE Native American Fee Waiver section on the NSHE Forms website (click here). The completed form and required supporting documentation must be submitted to the institutional contact listed on the form. Additional questions may also be sent to the institutional contact.
NSHE Purple Heart Fee Waiver
The Nevada Board of Regents provides a waiver of certain fees related to registration to eligible veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart for their service in the U.S. Armed Forces.
To learn more about the fee waiver and how to apply, please visit the Student Affairs Forms > Additional Forms section on the NSHE Forms website (click here). The completed form and required supporting documentation must be submitted to the institutional contact listed on the form. Additional questions may also be sent to the institutional contact.