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Residency Status

Residency is determined at the time of admission and reflected on your official Letter of Admission to the college. It is important that once you are admitted to Nevada State, check your residency classification in your Student Center.

How Do I Check My Residency Classification for Tuition Purposes?

Your residency classification can be found under the Personal Information section of  your Student Center. To access your Student Center log-in to your MyNevadaState.

Guide: How Do I Check My Residency Classification for Tuition Purposes?

I'm Classified as an OUT-OF-STATE resident. What now?

If your residency is classified as “Out of State,” you will be charged non-resident tuition fees when you register for classes.

If you believe you qualify for “In State,” review the residency applications and listed qualifications of each application below.

Residency Application

Review the three available pathways below and submit your completed application with supporting documentation.

All forms are fillable. Download them to your computer, then complete and save it. Submission methods can be found below.

Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Residency Form

Students who wish to establish Nevada residency for tuition purposes.

NSHE Residency Form (PDF)

Veterans, Spouses and Dependents Form for Determination of Tuition Charges

Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 15, Sections 3 and 4 of the Board of Regents Handbook, non-resident tuition may not be charged to
certain veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and their spouses and dependents and certain individuals using
transferred benefits under the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance.

To learn more and how to apply, please visit the Student Affairs Forms > Additional Forms section on the NSHE Forms website (click here). The completed form and required supporting documentation must be submitted to the institutional contact listed on the form. Additional questions may also be sent to the institutional contact.

Western Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE)

Only for newly admitted undergraduate students who are in a degree-seeking program. Both first time freshmen and transfer students may be eligible. For more information about WICHE WUE: 

Nevada State WUE Form (PDF)

Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP)

Only for newly admitted students who are accepted in a WRGP‐eligible program may apply. For more information about WICHE WRGP:

Note: WUE and WRGP are programs of the Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education (WICHE).

Nevada State WRGP Form (PDF)

How to Submit

All completed forms and supporting documents must be submitted to either of the following methods below. Decisions or requests for additional information regarding your application will be sent to your Student E-mail.

Email (Preferred Method)

Submissions must be sent from your student email to: [email protected].


Drop off your your forms to:

Office of the Registrar
1202 High Tech Circle
Henderson, NV 89002


Send your documents to:

Nevada State University
ATTN: Office of the Registrar
1300 Nevada State Dr.
Henderson, NV 89002

Complete your form in Black Ink. Fax it to 702.992.2111.